Articles 2020 (English)
More, more, more (december 28th)
'All people are equal, but one is more equal than the other' Orwell said and pointed to the inequality in the world. This is also becoming increasingly common in pigeon sport. And fanciers are worried.
Just not true (december 12th 2021)
In pigeon sport a lot is exaggerated, romanticized, fantasized or simply just lied.
The hardest thing (December 5th 2020)
The cards should have already been shuffled, the chaff should have been separated from the wheat, but that is not the case because we are afraid, afraid that we will remove a good one
References 2020 at long distance (Nov 20th)
References Schaerlaeckensbirds only at LONG DISTANCE only in 2020.
- Albert Derwa won 1st National Argenton with a bird that is partly my blood via Wd Br.
- Andre Roodhooft won 1st National La Souterraine (9.469 p) with partly my blood.
(off spring ‘Den Ad’ Marcel Wouters).
How long have I been writing columns? Hmm. Long. Sometimes I like to do it, other times less. That is not due to criticism. It was there but it came from losers.
Right and wrong 2 (25 oct)
"Pigeon sport is very simple," you sometimes hear. That is true, at least for the people who say so themselves. So mostly the champions.
Right or wrong (october 15th)
Talking / emailing to fellow fanciers or just handing over a pigeon is sometimes enough to form an opinion. Whether they are good players, or will become
Every one has their own thoughts (28 aug 2020)
Sometimes you can hear fanciers say which points are in their view important to be a successful racer. I dare give my opinion about a lot of things, since I have been a very successful racer all my life.
Some people
That is the title of an old song by Cliff Richard. The text came on my mind after the mail I got from Br. Gr from America. Some months earlier he had asked to buy a book, but unfortunately I had none left.
The day after (16-07-2020)
Sunday, June 28. Yesterday was for many "the flight of all flights"; National Bourges.
Unprecedented (12-07-2011)
When the racing season 2018 was finished many fellow fanciers said: ‘2018 was so fantastic, you will never experience such a race again.’ ‘You’ is me and my loft manager Roger.
Additionally (10-07-2020)
"On top of the article about you I will write: "At Middle Distance the best loft in Belgium in 2019’, reporter Luc said when he was writing the report that was recently published in pigeon magazine De Duif.
Ad Schaerlaeckens, the best of Belgium? (under construction)
(A report in pigeon magazine De Duif by Luc v d Plas). "Under construction!!!!!"
Rijkevorsel. Who were the best middle distance racers in Belgium in 2019? In my opinion, there is not even a question mark behind that. This was the Belgian-Dutch combination Maegh-AS.
Lees meer: Ad Schaerlaeckens, the best of Belgium? (under construction)
Fancier's questions (May 11th)
Below some questions from fellow fanciers. I did my best to answer them correctly and maybe some of them are also interesting for you.
Pigeons with a story (2) (May 9th)
There are such pigeons that remain etched into the deepest caverns of your memory.